September 30, 2013

Etsy Front Page

Seriously, did an EmeraldCut item really end up on Etsy's front page via a Treasury?  It did, interestingly enough, it did.  Unfortunately, I missed it, but I found the line-up on craft cult.  I've never had so many shop views as that day, except for a few times last year when Etsy was overrun by bots (a type of computer spam that I refer to as "faux people") that would favorite shop items and view shop listings hundreds of times per day--or so was my bot experience.  The front-page Treasury inclusion was less extreme, but still shocking in terms of volume.

I can't help it, although I'm trying to stay on the bright side of things here--
Call me a little fickle about this whole front page business, but publicity is publicity, even if it does not generate sales, right?  Still, I'm beyond grateful...