June 25, 2011


I've always loved Amos Lee, but this song, "Violin," truly showcases the depth of his voice...the vulnerability and the intense emotion that drenches his music.  The CD is his latest, "Mission Bell."  Very contemplative, yet soothing at the same time.  Whenever I play this song, all of my attention ultimately rallies towards it, and whatever I may be doing at the moment takes the backseat--a wholehearted, unconscious move on my part.  It's not the lyrics, per se, that draw me in; it's the entire experience: the lyrics coupled with the accompanying instrumentals.  The intonation and the timely prosody, the truthful timbre of his voice urging the music onward. 

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Treasury feature:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Beautiful song. Thanks for sharing. There's always light at the end of the tunnel. Always.