It's a rainy day, my toddler is actually napping and mama cat-napped for a bit, even after two cups of coffee. It's been a long day. And I realized that this blog is in dire need of an update - so here it is. Recently, I've added a few items to the stamped spoons and talismans section of my Etsy shop. I'm excited about this new direction in my work. As a result, I've decided to clear out my handmade jewelry line, so you'll find unique pieces at hugely discounted prices. Each piece of jewelry is never remade and is truly one of a kind (especially my conceptual pieces). My destash gem collection has yet to be sorted through, but once I have the time to sort and photograph I'll be adding these to the shop as well.

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My toddler is now reading, fiercely and intensely, and has her very own library card. Yet she's definitely still a toddler in many ways (the occasional ear-splitting meltdown, anyone?). We all read all these overarching romanticized narratives about motherhood - plus the ones that we can relate to - about the numbing exhaustion, toddler (and mama...) meltdowns, and the permeating nature of mama brain. Making three food choices and your kid saying no to each one. But that smile, when she chooses to do so, warms my mama heart. Again and again. That I can wholeheartedly relate to - even as I roll my eyes while scrolling through Instagram's deluge of happy smiley mama and kids.
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