A few weeks ago, I attended my very first bridal shower. And yes, I did enjoy myself.
The reason why I discuss this bridal shower is that for my own comfort level to be met, I had to treat the event like a social experiment: a chance to get into the inner world of, and experience firsthand as a guest, a traditional event that precedes a large, festive wedding. From this perspective, I was more observer than participant, which was fine for me, as this from-the-sidelines perspective is nothing new. It was from this view that I saw all the minute details involved in planning this bridal shower, which took the planner-friend two painstaking days to set up for a five-hour celebration; I also noticed the sense of pride that is present in an event as deeply steeped in tradition as this; and the proud sense of expectation and reciprocation.
Although I immediate err on the side of sharp observation, the beautiful details of this gilded event did not escape my field of vision: the softly hued sweet-yet-decadent handmade decor, the seamless inclusion of traditional bridal shower games, and the gentle camaraderie among the shower guests was keenly felt. Everyone cared. This was not lost upon me.
However glad I am that the shower was a sweet success, I am even more glad that the event is over. Now I can relax--well, sort of--until the wedding itself. Put up my feet and get caffeinated while writing, which is more within my own comfort zone.
I've previously blogged about this wedding-related anxiety here and here.
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