June 28, 2012

Political Perspective: Health Care

I never meant for this blog to be a political one, but a few entries have touched upon political perspectives solely because politics do mean something to me.  Most of the time, I feel like younger generations are wholly detached or indifferent to politics, on a national, state, and city level.  Politics, altogether then, comprise an unreachable, intangible mess of undecipherable statutes...to those who simply don't care.  Or even yet, those who are too busy trying to make ends meet to care.  It's almost like a slippery slope between the constituents of our nation and the legislators: a discussion that is lost in translation.

This being said, politics are important and should not be left solely to the politicians.  To truly understand politics, constituents have to think long and hard.  Personally, I attempt to look at both sides of a political debate in order to comprehend its entirety.  It is in this oftentimes exhaustive act that I try to educate myself, reminding myself that this nation was built on many tenets: most notably, freedom of speech.  This way, I try to find some transparency in (and criticism of) political perspectives.  In my opinion, this is important--especially in regards to the health care debate.

Today, the Supreme Court has ruled in favor of Obama's health care law, a decision that I completely support.  Yet, as much as I support the ruling, I wanted to find a non-biased, concise article on its pros and cons, and found it here, an imperfect article by a writer from The Wall Street Journal.  I guess what I'm trying to say is that only by looking at what those "on the other side" have written or said about a particular political topic can we then gauge where we truly stand, unfiltered by the traditional rhetoric and hyper-extended sensationalism that is eagerly promulgated by political parties.  This way, we will probably find that party lines are more porous than they are defined.  Politics will always be politics, a political game, yet the truth defined will always feel right in the oftentimes imperfect end.  Because--let's face it--nothing is perfect, but idealism is quite grand.

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