September 15, 2011

"Starlight" by Rachael Yamagata

Waiting for Rachael Yamagata's new CD is like awaiting and anticipating a rebirth.  Her own record label, her music, her way.  I think that this is a recipe for some awe-inspiring, metamorphic music--we get a tiny glimpse of this in her first single, "Starlight."  I'm usually not into the dance music sound, but the beat coupled with her unique voice brings out an otherworldly sound: an intoxicating mix of dance, funk, and introspective singer-songwriter.  The release date of Rachael's new album is unknown, but is slated for release sometime this fall or winter.  I eagerly await its arrival via snail mail. 

Here is the video for "Starlight":

The video for her second single, "Even if  I Don't," is a bit too conceptually odd for me...humans dressed up in animal suits.  Now that is only a music video concept conceived away from major music labels!  The song is pretty rocking, though.


Unknown said...

I will have to pick up a copy of this CD. I like. Thanks for sharing.

EmeraldCut said...

I'm glad you like RY! Since she's putting this CD out on her own, you can pre-order/purchase it through: