February 08, 2015

Why the Long Name?

It's been a few months now since I've merged my EmeraldCut shop name with my The Introverted Writer site, and am feeling positive about the change.  My shop and this blog are now known as: EmeraldCut | The Introverted Writer.  My main website, The Introverted Writer, showcases my writing qualifications and functions as an easier-to-remember site that provides links to my shop and this blog.  A deliberate choice, this joining of site names reflects my ever-growing body of work, from professional writing services to handmade jewelry and book page goods.  Most importantly, my qualifications as a writer/jewelry maker with a Master's degree is fully encompassed under this new shop title.  My shop url remains the same.  Abbreviated "EC | TIW," this professional name is long, but does indeed serve a credible purpose.

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