November 12, 2013

Reading List Joy

I have recently acquired two very interesting and different books that I am extremely excited about and looking forward to reading.  One is a gift from a dear friend, a true kindred spirit, who always finds the most extraordinary books that suit my rather specific, subject-driven tastes.  The other is a collection of essays that has been saved in my list of "Books to Read" for quite sometime now.  For those who have been following this blog, you probably know about my infatuation with books, so this blog post is probably not a surprise.

It's like how some (most) people joyfully blog about their day, but I ecstatically blog about books.

Do you have a list of books to read one day?  I think that the list is my attempt at getting organized (my desk and workspace are a mess).


Unknown said...

A list? I have a LIBRARY. Read away.

EmeraldCut said...

Haha, oh yes. A library!