October 19, 2013

In the Blogging Spirit

An image from my October photo-a-day challenge.
Read about it here.

Been thinking a lot about my comfort zone lately, which has always been quite cushy and warm.  But lately, it's become rather overwhelming and stagnant--like a bad rush of mid-summer heat in the fall.  So, in the blogging spirit, to push myself out of that comfort zone, I'm going to let you in on a secret: someone who I am close to is getting married, and asked me to be one of her bridesmaids...I am terrified.  The photographs (that I won't share here, sorry), the full-on upbeat smiles, the dress I most likely won't be comfortable in, the ceremonial camaraderie of it all.  It frightens me so, to the point of my only saying yes because she is who she is to me; and she is lovely.  (By the way, yes, I did indeed say yes.)  Picking my own bridesmaid dress would alleviate much of the anxiety (hint hint).  But all playfulness aside, she--a quieter soul, herself--is as graceful, poised, and silly as I am contemplative and introverted, so I know it will all be fine.  It will be a beautiful day.

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